
You are insufferable in the morning!

That morning when Sebastian had woken up, like always Sam wasn't next to him, he couldn't understand how he always was so hyper in the mornings and woke up so fucking early unlike himself who had the bad habit of waking up really late, when Sam had already the breakfast prepared and probably was finishing eating it at the moment. He slowly raised from his bed, and run a hand through his mess of light brown locks and rubbed at his eyes hoping to wake himself up a little more and see things better but he couldn't help being extremely exhausted still. He put a T-shirt he took from the floor, that he probably had thrown there last night and put it on, to then follow the smell of freshly baked food to the kitchen where Sam surprisingly was still cooking with his back to him. He leaned on the doorway watching his boyfriend cook without the other noticing him, till the pink haired boy squeaked when he accidentally dropped his fork to the floor and heard a chuckle making him squea...

El orfanato

Pisadas pequeñas y rápidas se hacían oír por el oscuro pasillo del orfanato, informando a los guardias situados en la puerta que los pequeños huérfanos se habían despertado antes de la hora. Solo eran las cuatro de la madrugada pero era normal en el Orfanato de Hembridge. Era ya una rutina oír a los niños salir de sus habitaciones por la noche. Ellos se dirigieron raudos a la parte trasera del orfanato donde se encontraba el jardín abandonado. Se sentaron en un círculo y se cogieron de las manos, mientras que el mayor de ellos se quedo de pie en el centro. Él sacó un trozo de tiza, robado esa mañana a uno de los profesores, de los bolsillos de su andrajoso uniforme disponiéndose a dibujar un gran pentagrama en el sucio suelo. De su saco extrajo un cuchillo, dejando el primero en medio del pentagrama, y procedió a pasar el segundo a lo largo de su brazo hasta que la sangre oscura y densa empezó a escurrirse. El ritual estaba perfectamente coordinado, ya que lo habían hecho innumerables ...

Sus labios perla

El sabor salado inunda mis pulmones y siento como la respiración se me corta. El agua entra por mi boca sin cesar. Me estoy ahogando y a mi compañera marina no parece importarle mucho. Se regocija ante mi sufrimiento. Uñas color coral se clavan sin arrepentimiento en mi garganta, tiene prisa por acabar con mi existencia. Quiere devorarme, ahora mismo, no puede esperar ni un segundo más. Y pensar que fui yo quien se lanzó al mar detrás de tan bella criatura. Pero no fui más que engañado por sus hermosos cantos hechizantes, que una vez que los oí no pude parar de pensar en mi sirena. Ahora ya a penas puedo ver, mi vista es invadida por puntos negros y ya no puedo verla. Está acabando conmigo. Lo último que veo antes de desmayarme es como nada hasta mi y siento sus labios de perla sobre los míos. Adiós, mi querida sirena.

El año de la rata

Hacia no más de una semana que había llegado a China para celebrar el Año de la Rata con esperanzas de empezar el Nuevo Año con éxito. Pero nada más llegar el primer día, todo le comenzo a salir horriblemente mal, en cuanto llego al hotel tuvo que correr hacia el baño con unas inmensas ganas de vomitar, más todo lo que salió de su garganta al llegar al inodoro fue pelo y más pelo en forma de bolas. Fue una experiencia realmente extraña, pero no pudo  compararse a unas horas más tarde cuando por fin llego a la calle para ver el desfile y empezó a salivar incontrolablemente cada vez que cualquier olor le alcanzaba. El asunto se estaba volviendo tan insoportable que corrió hacia una callejuela desierta y oscura con intenciones de esquivar a la gran multitud. Estaba corriendo sin rumbo cuando de repente cayó sobre sus rodillas doblandose por un súbito dolor lumbar, se abrazó el abdomen con esperanzas de reducir el dolor pero era insoportable. Pasó frenéticamente sus uñas por sus brazos y s...

The smell of Books

Sam had always been rather passionate when it came to books, since he was a kid he had read everything that passed to his hands not mattering what it was about, the variety went from dictionaries, instructions of how to use things and even the Bible, if it had words he read it. And that's why he was very glad they had their house full of books but when he finished them all it was such a depressing thing for him that his father presented him with an idea, he would build a little library in their village at the common square where everyone could see it and Sam could help him as his assistant. It had been a good idea, before his father's work raised and he no longer could pay as much attention as he did before to his family. But since the library had transformed into Sam's dream he couldn't just give up on it because of his father, and in that instant moment he decided he would do it himself, he would build his dream library and take care of it alone. He built a cozy sma...

Polaroids of you-Capítulo 3

The way his Adam's apple moved when he swallowed some water was mesmerizing and how those thin slightly pink lips wrapped around that plastic head, he simply couldn't keep his eyes away from him and every little gesture he did even if they were the most normal things attracted him. He was unbelievably gorgeous in all the possible ways in Sam's eyes. And it hadn't even been a week since he discovered his existence by pure chance. It had been a casuality he had seen him walking down the street that day and since then that boy had consumed all his thoughts, to the point that he ended up doing a background check on him and followed him around to discover who he was. He found that he was called Sebastian Malfoy and belonged to the famous wizard family the Malfoys which was a huge luck for Sam since him and his sister had been recently adopted by a magic family called the Lovegoods and it seemed that Sebastian went to the school that Yuno and Sam were going to soon attend, th...

Polaroids of you-Capítulo 2

Losing my parents at such a young age was said to be a tragedy that any kid should be spared of, but for me in reality it was a gush of fresh air. Everything looked clearer without the pressure of my mom everywhere I went, even my sister looked less dull than when we were with them. Im not saying it was something to celebrate, after all deaths are supposed to be something horrible but at the same time i dont blame their killer for what they did, they weren't a lovable pairing at all, less my mother. I greatly disliked her. So, when i heard her corpse was found in a cage rotting, I just stood there in silence, it was surprising, yes. But not a tragedy definetly. After their sudden death, my twin sister; Yuno, and I, became orphans, luckily we were 15 and could take care of our ownselves without any adult help and went to college without problems. We even became the best of our class, everything was going pretty neat for both of us, till it happened to my sister. What happened? T...